Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 17; Skinny Dip or Chunky Dunk?

Liam Anthony now weighs a massive 2 lbs, 7 ozs. OH how our little boy is growing, already! In just 1 day, he gained 2 whole ounces. We cannot decide whether he goes skinny dipping or chunky dunking when the nurses give him his baths. You guys can be the ones to decide, so just leave your comments and let us know what you think! Dad got to hold little man for the first time, and boy was he nervous or what! Who would have thought something or someone so little like Liam could scare the pants off of dad? He was sweating bullets the entire time from being so nervous, but they both did really really well! His feeds were increased to 3 mL/hour now, slowly coming up. We are certain that he will be eating a lot more in no time! Liam is no longer taking any antibiotics or medications for any reason at all. We are praying and hope everyone else will pray that his lungs will become stronger in the upcoming days and weeks so he can potentially come off of the ventilator for good. Day by day we can tell his personality grows along with him, becoming more of a character as the minutes tick by. As for now, little man is doing well and stable, so we thank you all for viewing and hope to update again ASAP! Thank you all!

<3 B C L

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